
Cool places to visit.

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秋葉原 is an area residing in the JR 山手線.
It is a massive hub of Japanese otaku culture, which is interest in アニメ、漫画 and electronics. It is mostly known as a shopping district, as there is many anime related merchandise you can purchase here.

As a person that is interested in Anime, I felt like Akihabara had many things that I was interested in, as it had huge posters of things I would only see on the internet. One of which was a almost 5 meter poster of a character I recognized on the pillars of the train station the moment I alighted the train. The buildings in Akihabara was covered in posters decorating entire face of the building, advertising new shows airing on television in Japan. As soon as I entered Akihabara, there was a massive 7-storey electronics shop selling almost every electronics product imaginable, from TVs to Home Appliances to Computers to Game Consoles.

Any niche technology you desire, from high end audio equipment to expensive keyboards, or even retro games, can be found in Akihabara. But the main attraction of Akihabara is all the Anime related merchandise, like posters, figures or comic books, more commonly known as Manga. Definitely visit Akihabara if you want to see a side of Japan you wouldn't expect.

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